08-09.06.2023 Representatives from the Haskovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry participated in the Business Networking event under the CB CARBONFREE project

In the period 08-09 June 2023, the Business Networking Event was held in Thessaloniki under the project "Enhancement of business branding through the development of a carbon footprint evaluation system in the cross-border area", with the acronym: CB CARBONFREE according to Subsidy Agreement No. B.6.3a. 30/13.04.2021 under the INTERREG V-A Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020 cross-border cooperation program, 6th call. Representatives from the Haskovo CCI participated in the event and learned about good practices in Greece regarding the reliable identification and assessment of the carbon footprint in the food and beverage sector. The following topics were discussed: the application of modern methods in production; the standardization and distribution of products based on integrated management systems and full traceability - an important business tool for promoting products in the domestic market, which can give an advantage at the export level to the cross-border business community.