Project „One destination, two countries“, Rеf. № CB005.1.22.134
On 21.03.2017 begins the implementation of project “One destination two countries”, reg. № CB005.1.22.134, contract for financial assistance № РД-02-29-40/20.03.2017 under Programme Interreg for cross-border cooperation Bulgaria – Turkey 2014-2020 CCI: 2014TC1615CB005
The project is under Priority axis 2 “Sustainable tourism” with specific objective 2.2: “Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations”;
Total value of the project: 57 740,97 €
For the Lead Partner: 32 654,16 €
For the Partner: 25 086,81 €
Partner: Haskovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, R. Bulgaria
Project aim: The project aim is developing the tourism industry in the region with the current strengths and changing market structures by focusing on one of the rising tourism trends named “Border Tourism” which creates destinations including border countries in a specific region. The partners will increase their planning and marketing capacity with training programs, will work together developing a marketing plan (WP1) for Border Tourism, jointly develop border tourism promotional materials (WP2) and focus on marketing activities in the final implementation phase of the project (WP3).
Based on these specific activities, the project will contribute to the attractiveness using the strengths of the region (SO1), will contribute to the cross-border tourism potential with common destinations (SO2) and will increase the networking by creating a cross-border marketing initiative (SO3).
Duration of the project: 15 months
21.03.2017 – 20.06.2018