Haskovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry participated in the Kick-off Meeting under the "CB CARBONFREE" project

On October 22, in Thessaloniki, Greece, the Kick-off Meeting was held under the Project: "Enhancement of business branding through the development of a carbon footprint evaluation system in the cross-border area", acronym: CB CARBONFREE. The implementation of the project started in April this year.

During the meeting, the beneficiaries had the opportunity to familiarize themselves in detail with the work packages of the project, to discuss the implementation of the activities, as well as the financial management of the project.

The lead beneficiary of the project is SEVE - Association of Greek Exporters, the Haskovo Chamber of Commerce and Industry as the 2nd beneficiary, and ERFC - European Regional Cooperation Framework, Greece as the 3rd beneficiary.

The project consists of 5 work packages:

WP 1 – Project Management and Coordination

WP 2 – Communication and Dissemination

WP 3 – Development of a Carbon Free Protocol

WP 4 – Implementation of Carbon Free Protocol

WP 5 – Exhibitions.

The main objectives of the project are:

  • Enhancement of the production, which will make them more competitive in international markets, with the aim of creating a regional "trademark".
  • Reducing production costs, improving the environmental performance of production and increasing the value of the food chain.
  • Creating high-quality products (with a low carbon footprint), more attractive to consumers and with added commercial value.
  • Production of products based on integrated management systems.
  • Upgrading and improving competitiveness to the corporate image of production.
  • Voluntary contribution to the protection of the natural resources of the transboundary area; overall protection of the planet's climate.
  • Increase sales in both domestic and foreign markets.